Share your surveys on Social Media

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The importance of social media today in our society helps the survey technique to develop for the first time to a digital dimension and stay on track.

Last June, Julien wrote about "the ingenious way to organize surveys” in order to optimize your CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Today, it is Victoria’s turn to talk about the technique of the survey, which is especially relevant when the survey is shared enough times. With the growth of social networks, multiplying the answers and reaching a concrete analysis is today a piece of cake. Thanks to the analysis you will be able to know whether it is appropriate or not to focus on one market or another. Share your surveys on Social Media

Choose the right social networks

The first things to analyze if you want to reach the appropriate people are the social networks and figure out whether or not it is on your interest to use them. Think about the kind of customer target you want to reach, such as the socio-professional group, the age, the interest. If you want to focus on the professionals you should better use LinkedIn. If your customer target is young people or teenagers, then you should use these social networks: Facebook and Instagram. Also Twitter has become a quite interesting meaning to reach trend setters for instance.

Thinking about social media is part of the market analysis and will allow you to avoid some unnecessary risks. Please do not hesitate to consult some investigations which will help you to focus on the right social networks. If you make a mistake at the beginning and chose the inappropriate social media then your survey will probably not be relevant Share your surveys on Social Media

An informative survey

Even if the first survey’s aim is to know more about your website, you should give an informative side to it as well. This informative aspect will arouse the interest of your customer target for your survey. It’s like a win-win pact between you and your customers. Don’t forget the dimension of social networks: the networkers expect an exchange or something in return. By publishing an infographic of your results your customers will probably appreciate it. Share your surveys on Social Media

Upstream development of your social activity

Even if your project is not done yet, you have to grab the mantle! If you believe in your idea, it’s already a positive thing. The upstream construction of a social community allows you to efficiently reach your main target category. Relay the information related to your selling sector and bring your idea as a trailer. You will immediately see whether the target is engaged or stay indifferent to your approach. Once again do not hesitate to create your survey in a playful and simplistic way, with several simple parts in order to create interest among your followers. Share your surveys on Social Media

Share the survey

The online surveys can be easily shared on different websites. Today, the social networks are specialists in sharing and communicating, which is a direct concern of every entrepreneur. For the launch of a product or service this sharing method is a great strategy. With you can create an ergonomic and professional survey and share it through social networks. Mainly use your own pages, hashtags on Twitter-Facebook-Google+, Facebook groups and so on. With many shares and retweets, your analysis will extend and will become a real cash cow.


Victoria D.


Victoria D.
Graduated in marketing communication of the University of Paris V, Victoria is now working in a web agency in Germany. Specialized in web and interdepartmental communication, she is interested in webmarketing, social networks and webdesign as well.

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Last update: 2025-02-16 Tags:

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Julien Rio Digital Marketing