Entrepreneur, expert en marketing et Professionnel Certifié en Expérience Client (CCXP), j'ai travaillé dans de multiples industries en Europe et en Asie depuis plus 15 ans. A travers ces expériences, j'ai été en charge de Stratégie Marketing et géré des équipes petites et grandes à l'internationnal, sur différents aspects du marketing digital et traditionnel, comme la gestion de l'image de marque, le SEM, le SEO, la communication et les RP, le développement web, l'évènementiel, les réseaux sociaux, les campagnes ABM et mailing, le design, etc…

En 2015 j'ai fondé myfairtool pour permettre aux exposants de mieux gérer leur participation aux salons professionnels. Pour des raisons similaires, j'ai écrit The Trade Show Chronicles en 2017.

Je suis ensuite rentré à Paris pour prendre la tête du département marketing de Dimelo (racheté par RingCentral en 2018), un éditeur de logiciel spécialisé dans la Relation Client Omni-Digitale et ai activement participé au succès de son acquisition par RingCentral. Depuis, je suis Vice President Associé, International Marketing et gère les équipes Marketing et BDR directe et de nos partenariats stratégiques à travers EMEA et APAC. En 2023, j'ai publié Customer Experience Unearthed préfacé par Shep Hyken.

J'ai été nommé Top 5 Leaders Crafting the Future of Business en 2024 (Magnate View Magazine), Top 20 des influenceurs Unified Comms en 2023 (UCX USA), élu dans le Top 10 des Influenceurs Marketing & Comm' 2022 (Culture RP), 7ème marketeur le plus influent de France en 2020 (Brandwatch), 14ème Influenceur des Communications Unifiées Monde 2020 (Mio) et 17ème #LinkedInROCKSTARS monde 2020 (Meller Marketing).


Voici un aperçu non-exhaustif de mon parcours professionnel ces 15 dernières années au travers de nombreuses industries.

Toys, Compounds & Electronics
Hong Kong

Hind Group
Hospitality & F&B
Hong Kong

Transport & Delivery
Hong Kong

Event Tech
Hong Kong

Company Registration
Hong Kong

UCaaS / CCaaS


Je participe régulièrement à des présentations plénières au cours de différents évènements sur des sujets marketing ou relation client en Europe, Amérique du Nord ou Asie. Voici un échantillon de mes prises de parole:


300 interviews, mentions, publications et conférences. Découvrez mes activités sur divers média et blogs.



25 recommandations
Steven Rafferty
Steven Rafferty
VP International @ RingCentral
I have had the pleasure of working closely with Julien during my tenure as VP International at RingCentral . He consistently demonstrates exceptional leadership and strategic vision, making him an invaluable business partner.
Julien's innovative marketing campaigns and deep understanding of our target audience directly contributed to our business success, driving growth and exceeding targets across the International region as a true business partner.
Julien's collaborative spirit and unwavering support is pivotal in aligning our efforts and ensuring seamless execution.
Sales and Marketing relationships can sometimes be challenging, this has never been the case with Julien and his team due to his high emotional intelligence and his ability to see things through the sales teams and customers eyes.
Monica Visconti-Patel
Monica Visconti-Patel
AVP, EMEA Marketing @ RingCentral
Through an acquisition came a great professional connection. Over the last 18 months, I've had the pleasure of planning, re-planning, shaping, re-shaping, organising and re-organising various strategies with Julien and enjoyed every single moment.
Always positive and practical, working with Julien never felt complicated or boring. In fact, it never felt like work. There are some people in this world that epitomise the swan analogy and I'm convinced that when this phrase was being crafted, Julien was not too far in the distance.
Julien is a true leader and I have witnessed first-hand how he is able to get a team to rally around him with loads of trust and confidence baked in. He takes care to know what drives his people and always remains focused on their needs, both personally and professionally.
A true all-rounder; wicked smart, razor-sharp, professionally driven, and possesses an enviable sense of humour; but not sure he knows how funny he really is.
At times, I was convinced Julien had a twin working behind the scenes as he has a natural gift of being able to network, strategise, get stuff done, and find time for creative social posts (I suggest you follow #jrdailyvideo), all at the same time … and don't get me started on his public speaking ability. The guy can own an audience and the stage.
Maybe it is his French finesse, but Julien is a natural. Our meeting has been a true gift.
Stéphane Lee
Stéphane Lee
VP Sales & Operations EMEA @ RingCentral
Julien is first and foremost an intrapreneur, with a broad spectrum of skills in marketing and communication. He is relentlessly working to achieve his goals. He is a great public speaker (both english and french) and a very good manager, always conveying positive thinking to his team and beyond. He is autonomous but still understands where he needs coaching and support, so very easy to work with. Last but not least, he is a good chap and team player. I can only recommend Julien to supercharge your marketing activities and contribute to your staff meetings.
Riadh Dridi
Riadh Dridi
Chief Marketing Officer @ RingCentral
Julien is a passionate and talented marketer. He has a unique ability to simplify complex technical value propositions into compelling and easy to understand messages. He's also an excellent speaker and team player.
Max Ball
Max Ball
Principal Industry Analyst @ Forrester
A thoughtful people manager, a creative thinker, an organized leader are all phrases I'd use to summarize Julien. But beyond all that he's just a really great person who you want to spend time with and learn from.
Ebba Wiberg
Ebba Wiberg
Conference Producer & Analyst @ IQPC
I had the pleasure of working with Julien on the Customer Contact Week Exchange in November 2020. An event which was months in the making was brought to life in the best way possible through Julien's chairing abilities. He was a true professional who tactfully linked together the agenda and the topics throughout the two days, brought the best out of all of the speakers and made me feel at ease behind the scenes that all was under control. I would definitely work with Julien again and look forward to doing so on future projects.
Michael Wolczyk
Michael Wolczyk
Digital Marketing Manager @ Ovolo Hotels
Julien is one of the most structured and organised people I have ever met. He is ambitious and wants to get things done. Within our fast paced environment he has always been able to prioritize, delegate and follow up his tasks in a proper manner. Additional to his good working methods he has a very creative mind when it comes to finding solutions for given challenges. As an expert in terms of Social Media and Web Development he defined the blog strategy and the Social Media strategy for our company. I really enjoyed working with Julien and can only recommend his professional and creative mind.
Rana Rahman
Rana Rahman
Founder @ Raptor PR Ltd
Julien is an experienced marketer who's highly adept at directing complex fully integrated marketing campaigns for leading business technology brands.
It was a pleasure having a savvy client like Julien who really understands the PR. Meetings with Julien were always full of energy and ideas.
Currently Julien is a LinkedIn inspiration for me! He certainly knows how to deliver quality, on point content on a regular basis.
Eric Dos Santos
Eric Dos Santos
Co-Founder & VP International Sales @ Dimelo by RingCentral
It was a pleasure to work with Julien for 3 years on the redefinition of the sales tools of the Dimelo software offer. This was done through a significant number of workshops where the tools for the sales team were co-constructed. In addition to being efficient, Julien is friendly. An intrapreneur whose entrepreneurs love to surround themselves.
Daniel Ord
Daniel Ord
Founder & Director @ OmniTouch International
I had the chance to correspond with Julien and his Team on some discussions around CX & Contact Centers. And I was already impressed.
But then - through great timing & luck - I had the chance to visit the RingCentral office in Paris where we met Julien and many of his folks in person. But perhaps the best part of that visit was the nearly 2 hours we sat in his office and just shared findings, feelings & experiences about the industry - as well as our shared experience as long-time expatriates living and working in Asia.
Since that time I've had more opportunity to work with Julien and his Team and it's clear how much he is respected and admired. And on top of everything he writes and posts constantly - which I think is a hallmark of an industry professional and someone who cares. There's a reason why RingCentral feels like such an amazing place - when leaders like Julien are in place there.
Derick Mildred
Derick Mildred
LinkedIn Coach & Founder @ Results Formula
Over the time I've known Julien he has always been one of the best digital marketing experts I know.
It was a pleasure to be part of his Ultimate LinkedIn Guide along with some of the world's best LinkedIn coaches and trainers. Julien is one of my top resources for powerful digital marketing advice and strategies that deliver the all important results. He's also a great guy to know and work with.
Patrick Barrabé
Patrick Barrabé
Co-Founder @ Social Selling Advisors
J'ai travaillé avec Julien à plusieurs reprises autour de publications d'experts centrés sur le Marketing Digital et la Relation Client. Julien maîtrise ces sujets complexes et sait les simplifier pour les rendre accessibles au plus grand nombre. Il sait également se servir de son réseau comme levier pour distribuer de manière efficace ces contenus. C'est un véritable plaisir de travailler avec lui et je le recommande à tout entrepreneur en recherche de croissance.
Matthieu Wildhaber
Matthieu Wildhaber
Keynote Speaker & Founder @ Talk Box
Une collaboration 100% digitale, mais 100% appréciée. Julien est proactif et n'attend pas que les opportunités lui tombent du ciel ; il va les chercher. Lorsqu'il est venu me voir pour co-rédiger le Guide d'utilisation Linkedin 2019 en compagnie d'autres experts, j'ai accepté sans hésiter car j'apprécie sa démarche qui vise à offrir de la valeur aux membres de son réseau.
Aaron Pang
Aaron Pang
Managing Director @ lalamove
I worked with Julien for about 6 months when I was leading Hong Kong and he was leading our regional marketing team in South East Asia. I had a lot of interaction with him with regards to regional and local marketing strategy, business partnership, re-branding, recruitment, management and general direction of business.
Julien is a terrifc leader with lots of experience leading regional and local marketing teams. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Julien and I am sure everyone who has worked with him would agree, his tenacity, discipline and ability to execute is second-to-none.
I have no hesitation recommending Julien to any company. He will be a tremendous asset to any growing company.
Olivier Boudoint
Olivier Boudoint
Commercial Synergies @ Cofidis Group
Julien et son équipe nous ont apporté une vision claire et détaillée sur la problématique de l'omni-digital et plus largement sur les enjeux d'une relation omnicanale. Par sa connaissance multi sectorielle et internationale de la relation client, associé à l'expérience et au pragmatisme des équipes de RingCentral, Julien nous a aidé à porter un diagnostic sur notre organisation de la relation client et sur nos indicateurs.
Brenda Meller
Brenda Meller
Chief Engagement Officer @ Meller Marketing
Julien created a LinkedIn guide, combining expertise from several LinkedIn coaches and trainers from around the world. He then merchandised it across LinkedIn and tagged those experts (myself included), which created great exposure. He was pleasant and professional to work with throughout the process. Check out the guide and tell Julien that Brenda snet you.
Heddy Li
Heddy Li
Executive Director @ Hind Group
Julien is very detail minded and well organized. He is capable to prioritize & follow up different tasks properly within tight time frame.
Shelly Elsliger
Shelly Elsliger
Senior Career Educator & LinkedIn Coach
I worked with Julien on the Ultimate LinkedIn Guide that is truly an amazing resource. Julian was able to round up a number of LinkedIn Experts, to give valuable LinkedIn input, advice, and tips, from around the world in order to have a resource that so many diverse professionals could benefit from. I enjoyed working and collaborating on this initiative with Julian and the other globally recognized LinkedIn Experts. Julien maintained a sense of professionalism throughout the process and ensured that the Ultimate LinkedIn Guide would be nothing short of both practical and useful. Proud to be part of it!
Virginia Franco
Virginia Franco
Executive Career Storyteller & Founder
I had the recent opportunity to work with Julien when he approached me to contribute to his LinkedIn guide. I was thoroughly impressed by his ability to seamlessly gather people from all corners of the globe together to share their insights, and pull together a digital guide that is a magnificent resource for LinkedIn users.
Boris Stoyanov
Boris Stoyanov
Brand & Digital Marketing Manager @ lalamove
I had the pleasure to work with Julien for 18 months while he was Marketing Director at Lalamove. He brought along its knowledge, experience and management skills that helped our exponential growth across China and SEA. Julien successfully proved Marketing and IT work closely together: capable of building bridges between technical, creative and leads generation tactics, his contribution was highly valuable in this entrepreneurial journey. Autodidact in many ways and able to build a concept from scratch and bring it to the top, Julien appears to be a perfect fit for the startups and entrepreneur world.
Club des Entrepreneurs de Hong Kong
Club des Entrepreneurs de Hong Kong

Nous avons eu la chance d'avoir Julien dans le cadre des conférences du Club Entrepreneur de Hong Kong Accueil en Juin 2017 sur le théme ''Le marketing de contenu - la clé d'une réussite à long terme''. Pendant cette présentation de plus de 2 heures, les entrepreneurs français de Hong Kong présents ont pu apprendre, échanger, écouter et interagir efficacement et pragmatiquement sur ce vaste thème et ceci grâce à la connaissance expérimentée de Julien, de sa pédagogie, de son empathie et de sa capacité à appréhender les marchés et spécificités de chaque participant. Debutants ou moins débutants, tous nos participants avec qui nous avons débriefé aprés la séance ont souligné la densité en cas pratiques de la présentation ...et la to-do list qu'ils en ont tous retirés, gage de la qualité de la formation de Julien. RDV est donné pour une prochaine séance à Hong Kong en 2018 sans faute !
Anthony Yu
Anthony Yu
Senior Graphic Designer @ lalamove
Julien is very detail-oriented, well-organised, love sharing creative ideas, help yourself and your company growth and develop.
Jancis Sin
Jancis Sin
Senior Digital Marketing Executive @ lalamove
Julien is a knowledgeable, considerate and team-oriented leader. He has always proven to execute outstanding leadership and coaching in the company . Whenever I have questions, Julien responds or support right away and follows up if the issues have been resolved. His enthusiastic attitude have made me motivated to do the best job I can. I highly recommend him without any reservations.
Alain Forgeot
Alain Forgeot
Conseiller Numérique @ CCI Paris
Remarquable démonstration des ''défis d'une TPE/PME pour digitaliser sa relation client'' et des enjeux d'intégration de tous vos canaux digitaux de la Relation Client (mail, sites, téléphone, médias sociaux, etc) gérés au sein d'une plateforme unique - Dimelo dans le cadre de la présentation du 20 juin à la CCI Hauts-de-Seine. Au delà de la solution technique qui apporte qualité et ergonomie, l'un des enjeux est dans l'organisation de l'entreprise pour optimiser la relation, devenu en grande partie digitale, avec les clients.
Alexa Chen
Alexa Chen
Business Analyst @ GS1
Julien is a Digital Manager having strong multi-task management skills with effective outputs.


J'utilise ce blog pour partager mon expérience de différents aspects du marketing, tels que le marketing digital, les foires expo, l'image de marque et le service client.

De la fragmentation à la perfection: consolider vidéo, messagerie et téléphonie

De la fragmentation à la perfection: consolider vidéo, messagerie et téléphonie

Dans le monde de la communication, il existe un débat en cours sur la meilleure technologie. Il y a ceux qui jurent par la vidéoconférence, d'autres qui préfèrent la messagerie et certains qui s'accrochent à leur téléphone.

Continuer à lire
Top 100 Influenceurs de la Communication Unifiée 2023

Top 100 Influenceurs de la Communication Unifiée 2023

Je suis honoré de vous annoncer ma récente nomination pour le TOP 100 des INFLUENCEURS UNIS 2023 par UCX USA, où j'ai été classé 19ème parmi les plus grands noms de l'industrie de la communication unifiée.

Continuer à lire
5 tendances marketing à ne pas manquer en 2023

5 tendances marketing à ne pas manquer en 2023

Alors que nous démarrons nouvelle année, il est important pour les entreprises de rester à la pointe des dernières tendances de marketing. 2023 promet d'apporter de nouvelles technologies et des changements dans le comportement des consommateurs qui vont façonner la façon dont nous commercialisons nos produits et services. Dans cet article, nous allons nous pencher sur quelques-unes des tendances clés à surveiller pour l'année à venir.

Continuer à lire
Customer Experience Unearthed - Julien Rio - book

Customer Experience


Avez-vous déjà fait une pause pour considérer l'Expérience Client du point de vue du consommateur ?
Il est facile d'oublier, tout en étant immergé dans des rôles professionnels, que nous sommes également des clients quotidiens naviguant à travers une gamme d'expériences, à la fois délicieuses et décourageantes.
Ce livre vous invite à un voyage révélateur, à voir le monde à travers les yeux de véritables clients. En abandonnant les cartes de parcours complexes, nous nous concentrons sur l'authentique expérience humaine.
Présentant 40 histoires puissantes de la série CX Therapy, ce guide dévoile les hoquets fréquents dans les parcours des clients et vous arme de solutions pratiques. Une lecture essentielle pour quiconque s'engage à transformer des transactions simples en expériences mémorables ! Livre en Anglais.


Trade Show Chronicles

J'ai publié The Trade Show Chronicles en 2017 pour aider les entreprises participant à des foires expo à mieux se préparer pour leurs salons et à en gérer tous les aspects.

Ce livre est écrit comme un roman et raconte l'histoire d'un jeune commercial en charge de l'organisation de son premier stand.

A la place d'un livre professionnel traditionnel plein de listes et de recommendations, cet ouvrage offre une histoire pleine d'exemples concrets et d'astuces qui changeront à jamais la manière dont vous gérez vos salons !


Customer Experience Unearthed - Julien Rio - book
CX Therapy

CX Therapy

En tant que professionel de l'expérience client, tout ce qui touche au CX me passionne.
En tant que consommateur, je fais souvent face à des expériences client que je souhaite partager avec mon audience.
En Janvier 2021, j'ai décidé de m'associer à mon partenaire et expert du CX Max Ball pour créer la CX Therapy.
Chaque semaine, chacun notre tour, nous prenons place sur le divan pour partager une expérience client récente et prenons une dizaine de minutes pour analyser ce qui aurait pu être fait différemment.

Parlons Expérience Client !

CX Therapy

Marketing Blueprint

Marketing Blueprint: The CMO Interview Series est votre raccourci vers le sommet. Nous décodons ensemble le parcours de leaders marketing et de CMOs de différents horizons et pays, vous apportant des informations exploitables sur la stratégie, l'évolution de carrière et les compétences essentielles. Ce podcast inspirant a pour vocation d'aider les marketeurs souhaitant développer leur carrière de manière efficace.

Marketing Blueprint

Marketing Blueprint Logo
Marketing Blueprint slogan


Vous avez une question ?

Vous avez un project qui requiert mon expertise ?
La création d'un site, la mise en place d'une stratégie digitale, l'acquisition de leads, la préparation d'un salon ?
N'hésitez pas à me contacter avec un aperçu de votre projet, je me ferais un plaisir de vous répondre rapidement !

Si vous souhaitez devenir guest blogger, c'est par ici !
