Link physical and virtual worlds - improving promotional efficiency

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The explosion of the internet in the past 20 years has radically changed the way companies promote their products. Creating a bridge between your online and offline strategies is essential for gaining efficiency in your promotions. Lier le monde physique au monde réel - tirer le meilleur de ses actions marketing 

Have you thought about linking your "online" promotions with your "offline" ones?

Are your marketing team and your web team working together, sharing material and information?


Through this article, published on the Hong Kong Business magazine, I try to explain the reasons why creating a bridge between the physical and the virtual world is essential for the promotional efficiency of a company. In this article, I focus on the Hong Kong market, Hong Kong being Asia's central import/export platform.


By unifying your marketing efforts in the online and offline worlds you will:

  • develop both communities
  • save money
  • unify and standardize your promotional material
  • enhance your global efficiency


I now invite you to read the article "How companies can benefit from linking physical and virtual worlds".


Julien Rio.

Last update: 2024-04-22 Tags:

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Julien Rio Digital Marketing